Be Aware of Motherland

One day in September, Juche 32(1943), the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung gave a task of drawing a big Korean map to a commander of the Korean People’s Revolutionary Army (KPRA). The commander immediately set to work. He brought several reference books and made a deep study of them. Finally, he successfully completed a map as intended by Comrade Kim Il Sung. However, he could not fully grasp the great intention of Comrade Kim Il Sung to have the Korean map made. Some time later, KPRA political cadres and instructors who gathered in the lecture room near the headquarters shouted with joy at the sight of the Korean map hanging on the front wall. As if they had never seen the picture of the dear motherland before, they were hardly ready to leave the map. Looking at them, Comrade Kim Il Sung said that he was going to talk about the need to strengthen the study of the fatherland nearing the great event of the national liberation and about some immediate tasks. Noting that it was necessary to be well aware of the history, geography and brilliant cultural traditions of the motherland in order to carry on the Korean revolution in a responsible manner, he explained in detail that only then, could we make a revolution in an independent and creative way in conformity with the reality of the country. His teachings bore the noble intention that becoming an ardent patriot and a genuine revolutionary surely requires great awareness of the country.