Looking at Apples

One day in August, Juche 104(2015), the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un visited a fruit farm that reaped an unusually rich fruit harvest. Learning about the number of apples per tree and the weight for an apple in the orchard, he expressed great pleasure, saying that the trees heavily laden with apples were really spectacular. Noting that the precious efforts of love for the people made by President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il all their lives bore fruit, which brought about a rich harvest that significant year marking the 70th anniversary of national liberation and the 70th founding anniversary of the Worker’s Party of Korea, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said he would be really pleased if the President and the Chairman, who were so solicitous for an adequate supply of fruit to the people, could enjoy the scene of apples hanging heavily on the branches. Then, he looked at the delicious-looking apples again and again, saying that he felt happy to picture the people rejoicing at receiving them and just a look at them was enough for satisfaction, and that it was a good sign of prosperity of the country.