Commending Highly as Most Trusted University

It was late September, Juche 107(2018), when the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un made a visit to Kim Chaek University of Technology (KUT) celebrating its 70th founding anniversary. Noting that the university had made great contributions to the country’s scientific and technological education and independent development of the national economy, he said he was pleased to personally meet and congratulate the teachers and researchers of the glorious university on its 70th birthday. He extended congratulations on behalf of the Workers’ Party of Korea and the DPRK government to all the teachers and researchers who devoted themselves to the education and scientific research for the prosperity and future of the socialist country. Then, he had a photo session wishing them proud successes in scientific and technological research and talents training by reliably carrying forward the 70 year-long brilliant tradition. Saying that KUT is one of the universities the Party trusts, boasts and holds up most, he set forth vital tasks for the university to train students into creation-oriented talents and scientists faithful to the Party and revolution with strong revolutionary spirit and high faculties of inquiry and application by steadily enhancing the quality of education as required by the new century. That day he clarified the issues of improving the educational conditions and environment, content and method of the university, and bestowed great favors on the university.