Children Win Ssirum

One day soon after liberation President Kim Il Sung visited Mangyongdae Revolutionary School. At that time the playground were buzzing with the schoolchildren doing ssirum. The President took off his outerwear, handed it to the anti-Japanese war heroine Kim Jong Suk, and suggested a match to the children. The innocent children attacked him at once, some clinging to the lower part of his body, some others shouldering into him, and yet some others pulling him by the arm with all their force… However hard they tried, the President remained unmoved. Comrade Kim Jong Suk, observing the scene, advised the children to unite their strength. The children, more encouraged by her support, shouted in chorus to unite their strength. At that moment the President pretended to lose balance and lean to one side. Then the children’s cheers of hurrah shook the playground. “We won. Hip, hip, hurray!” She congratulated them on winning the match. The President embraced the children with a broad smile as if he were relieved of all his anxiety.