True to Lofty Intention

It was one day in January, Juche 101(2012), when the whole country was on the new year’s march for the implementation of the lifetime instructions of Chairman Kim Jong Il. The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un called an official to give some instructions on the opening ceremony of Kwangbok Area Supermarket. Noting that the large-scale supermarket would attract a large number of customers and it was located far from the city center, he stressed the need to provide conditions for shoppers to have various kinds of snacks and meals there. Even though he was extremely busy looking after the state affairs when the country had just set on an advance of the year after the sudden demise of the Chairman, his primary concern was directed to the supermarket associated with the Chairman's immortal exploits. That day, he gave precious teachings on conducting well the commerce service activities as wished by the Chairman. Under the great concern and care of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un to provide our people with wonderful living conditions true to the lifetime intention of the Chairman, Kwangbok Area Supermarket served as a commercial resort for the people from the very first day of its opening.