Source of Invincible Might

On February 8, Juche 62 (1973) Chairman Kim Jong Il met with a commanding officer of the Korean People’s Army (KPA). Mentioning the meaningful speech made by President Kim Il Sung on revolutionary comradeship in the banquet in celebration of the 25th founding anniversary of the KPA, the Chairman gave him some really precious teachings. The anti-Japanese guerrillas sacrificed their lives to defend the safety of the headquarters in the period of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle, the Chairman said, adding that those days they sincerely held the President in high esteem, not because they foresaw that he would be the state head after liberation but because they were convinced that it was the immutable truth of the revolution that the Korean revolution would emerge victorious only when the revolutionary ranks were firmly united centered on the leader on the basis of one ideology. Noting that since the revolutionary ranks were overflowing with beautiful traits of revolutionary comradeship in the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle, the guerrillas could accomplish the historic cause of national liberation by overcoming all kinds of trials and difficulties in the fight against the Japanese imperialists, he stressed that as the President instructed, the unity based on the revolutionary comradeship is the source of invincible might of the people’s army and the guarantee for all victories.