Retrospection of Meaningful Day

It was the morning of February 8, Juche 37(1948). In the middle of preparing to head to the military parade venue, President Kim Il Sung told the anti-Japanese war heroine Kim Jong Suk that it was really a significant and historic day, saying that it was already 16 years since he founded the Anti-Japanese People’s Guerrilla Army in Antu in the uniform that his mother personally made in her sickbed, although he felt as if it happened just the day before. Comrade Kim Jong Suk could hardly repress her excitement. He continued that the backbones of the revolutionary armed forces and rich experience trained and gained during the years of the anti-Japanese armed struggle made it possible to make full preparations for the founding of the Korean People’s Army in time even in the difficult and complicated situations after liberation. Then, he suggested all go to the parade venue to watch the grand parade of our people’s army that would defend the dignity and honour of the nation with arms. Reminiscing about the origin of the regular revolutionary armed forces on the morning of a historic day to shine forever in the history of army building, the President headed towards the parade venue with his wife Kim Jong Suk and little son Kim Jong Il.