Personally Planting Rice Seedlings

One day in June, Juche 36 (1947), President Kim Il Sung came out to the Mirim Field. Saying that he was going to join the farmers there for rice-planting, the President headed towards a rice paddy. At that moment, one of the officials brought him a pair of wellingtons. The President declined the boots and stepped into the paddy, saying that farmers had never worn wellingtons for rice planting and that he would prefer bare feet like them. The paddy was lively and full of cheerful laughter like a happy family working altogether. When one of the officials was about to plant a seedling before the President, the President said: You do not need to help others. As we are all here for rice-planting, everyone has to fulfill their assignments. Then, the President started planting with a bright smile. The President made the work joyful, lest the officials and farmers should feel constrained even a bit in his presence. Indeed, nowhere in the world can we find such a great man as the President, who planted rice seedlings with farmers without ceremony.