Praising the Province for Always Taking the Lead

One day in July some years ago, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un visited the Tree Nursery of Kangwon Province. Looking round the nursery, he highly praised the officials there for firmly consolidating material and technical foundations for stable production of saplings by completing the colossal project in a short span of time by the province itself and successfully solving problems arising in the management and operation of the nursery over the past one year. His generous praise greatly excited the officials. On the day the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said that he feels happy about giving assignments to this provincial Party committee, which always takes the lead in the implementation of Party’s policies, and that he would like to give as much help as possible to the officials in the committee who always make every effort to do even a bit more by themselves. Then, he took measures on the spot to solve urgent problems arising in the economic work of the province.