Honor Bestowed on Scientist Couple

One winter day some years ago, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un gave a grand banquet for scientists and technicians who had made a great contribution to the country’s development of science and technology. The participants, who were bestowed a greater affection than they deserve, were in the state of great excitement. The time of happiness and joy was passing second by second amidst the affection of kinship. The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, who was very delighted to hear that there was a hero scientist couple at the place, called them beside him. Warmly shaking hands with the scientist couple who were greatly excited by his unexpected call, he affectionately listened to their research work one by one. After listening to their stories to the last, he suggested having a souvenir photo taken with them arm in arm. The couple were bubbling with excitement. The stormy cheers of “Hurrah!” and loud applauses full of excitement from the audience towards him burst out inside the hall. On the day, the scientist couple hardened their pledge of faith looking up at the sacred Party flag – We’ll carry on with our scientific research forever under the red Party flag only!