Patriotic Appeal

In the first year after liberation, the richest harvest ever known was reaped in our country. The entire peasantry across the country turned out in the campaign of tax prepayment in kind with delight in having had a bumper harvest in the first-year farming thanks to the land reform. The farmer delegates from Sinbu myon (in those days), Sonchon County, North Phyongan Province, which had won the first place in the provincial campaign of tax prepayment in kind, had the honor of being received by President Kim Il Sung. Warmly welcoming and thanking them for having made such a long journey, he passionately shook them by the hands. They were so impressed and excited to be received by the President that they were all at loss about what to say to him. Listening to their incoherent talk, he praised them for successes in their work and said that what was the most important at the moment was to do one’s best at the construction of our country. Giving them valuable teachings that they should try their best to further strengthen the people’s government and do farming very well for the construction of a country, he continued to emphasize that they should, after going back, try hard to produce more crops, cultivate more cotton and silkworms for cocoon and do well in livestock farming, too. Then, looking over the whole delegation, he promised them he would also dedicate his all heart and soul to the construction. He also said that there would be nothing impossible for us when combining our efforts, strength and intelligence and firmly united as one, and appealed to them to build a powerful, good-to-live-in democratic country without fail. All the delegates were really excited at his teachings. Receiving the instructions of the President from the delegates, all the farmers in that area vowed, shedding their tears, to turn out in the construction of our country as one true to the President’s intention.