In a Big Way

One day in January, Juche 95 (2006), Chairman Kim Jong Il made a visit to the newly built e-library at Kim Chaek University of Technology. Making a round of the e-library, he gave valuable instructions before saying that it needed to be perfected in every aspect and that his inspection led him to the idea of further perfecting it in a far-sighted way as required by the era of information industry. Soon after that, the officials at the university received the shocking news that the Chairman saw to it that a plan was made to further enhance the service capacity of the e-library. They held a consultation with the corresponding officials to make a plan and presented it to the Chairman. Considering the plan, the Chairman blamed them for having made such a conservative plan. Then, he set forth a staggeringly daring plan saying that no matter how tense the financial situation of the country may be, the e-library should be equipped with up-to-date facilities looking far ahead in the future.