Boiled Millet and Cold Cucumber Soup

One day in July, Juche 54(1965), President Kim Il Sung visited a factory. That day the consultant meeting held under the guidance of the President came to an end quite a long time after lunchtime. With a guilty conscience, the officials of the factory told him that lunch was ready at the factory sanatorium.

The President friendly suggested all going for lunch and took the lead. However, he headed towards the hostel, not the sanatorium. The officials became completely puzzled at an unexpected happening. Waiting on a humble table in the hostel was a meager meal with several bowls of boiled millet and cold cucumber soup. The officials were so embarrassed that they did not know what to do. Inviting them to the meal he brought along, the President said that cold cucumber soup was the best for hot weather like that day and boiled millet was just right for the cold cucumber soup.

That night the President recollected what had happened during the day and said he hated being wined and dined.

Indeed, President Kim Il Sung only thought of people without being alienated even a little from them.