Fathoming Mothers’ Feelings

It was a September 9 when the whole country was buzzing with holiday atmosphere. Even that day, Chairman Kim Jong Il was on the way of devotion for the country and the people when he met with a general of the Korean People’s Army. Still remembering that his home village was nearby, the Chairman asked if he had his parents or relatives in the home village. Quite pleased to hear that his mother was there, he continued to ask why he did not live with his own mother. He replied that his mother had made up her mind to do farming in her habitat until the last day of her life to repay for the benevolence of the President bearing in her mind the honour of meeting the President at the polling station in her home village after the war. The Chairman felt from her the loyalty of all mothers in the country. The Chairman told him: You should drop by at your mother’s in the home place as often as possible; mothers stay worried about their offspring even after they grow old enough to have grey hair; they wait for them all the time in the bottom of their hearts even if they tell them to think only about their work but not to waste time bothering to visit them; mothers are worried all their lives; so you should make a trip to visit your mother. The general was indeed impressed with the instruction of the Chairman, who fathomed even mothers’ feelings.