Another Brilliant Victory ― Great Victory in the Anti-epidemic War

It is not easy to prevent the inroads of the malignant virus, which has been threatening the existence of the mankind throughout the world. No country in the world has successfully exterminated the novel coronavirus that made inroads into their territories even after three years since the outbreak of the malignant epidemic crisis. This fact clearly shows how severe the war against the malignant virus is. Our country prevented the inroads of the malignant virus for two years and three months to hit a new record in the history of the world anti-epidemic work despite the global health crisis, and curbed in such a short period the violent spread of the virus prevalent in the country, thus restoring stability in the anti-epidemic work and making the whole country a clean, virus-free zone. This is a miracle noteworthy in the world's healthcare history. The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un convened the 8th Political Bureau meeting of the 8th Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) in May, Juche 111(2022), when the malignant virus made inroads into our country, and put forward appropriate and detailed anti-epidemic guidelines to switch over from the state epidemic prevention system to the maximum emergency epidemic prevention system, to stably contain and control the spread of COVID-19 by pushing forward in parallel the efforts for blockade and stamping out, and to quickly cure the infections in order to eradicate the source of the virus spread at an early date. The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un provided a decisive guarantee for minimizing the damage by the virus by adopting strong state measures of producing and supplying medicines and timely steps to conduct medical treatment on a full scale. Acquainting himself with the supply of medicines, especially the fact that inhabitants had problems with treatment because medicines were not supplied according to demand to the pharmacies in the capital city even after the state measures to urgently release and supply reserve medicines were taken according to the decision of the 8th Political Bureau meeting of the 8th Central Committee of the WPK, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un issued a special order of the WPK Central Military Commission on immediately stabilizing the supply of medicines in Pyongyang City by involving the powerful forces of the military medical field of the People's Army in the consultative meeting of Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the WPK held on May 15, and took every measure to improve the supply of medicines in later major Party meetings. The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un aroused the entire Party, the whole country and all the people to the campaign to reverse the anti-epidemic situation, thus making the campaign an all-people resistance. He also took revolutionary measures to establish the work system of the Party and state in emergency, which provided decisive conditions for hastening the victory in the anti-epidemic campaign. With a death-defying will to defend without fail our people, part of his flesh and blood, at the cost of his life, he was on the forefront of the campaign. In the consultative meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the WPK convened on May 14, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un noted that it was high time for our Party Central Committee to prove its leading role once again before the difficulties of history, saying that it was urgent for us to more deeply realize for what we are needed and for whom we fight at the cost of our lives and that our Party would bravely discharge its important responsibility and duty and take full responsibility for the security and wellbeing of the country and people by displaying boundless loyalty and devotion, and expressed his determination and will to win a great victory in the epidemic prevention campaign without fail. On May 15, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un visited Mannyon Pharmacy and Jangsaeng Pharmacy in Taedonggang District, Pyongyang City, to acquaint himself with the supply of medicines in the capital city. Even though the pharmacies were extremely dangerous places as they were visited by a great number of fevered persons every day and the saleswomen had just recovered from the epidemic, he unhesitatingly entered them to learn in detail about the administration and to give precious teachings on the supply and sales of medicines. The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un rescued our people from the threat of the virulent disease with warm love and affection. Saying in the consultative meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the WPK held on May 14, Juche 111(2022) that he was donating reserve medicines prepared by his family to the Party committee of the office building with an earnest prayer that peace and laugh would settle again in all families across the country at an early date, he suggested to the Party committee sending the medicines to families in difficulty. A month later, on June 15, he sent medicines prepared by his family to the Haeju City Committee, South Hwanghae Province, of the Workers' Party of Korea as regards the outbreak of an acute enteric epidemic in Haeju City of South Hwanghae Province. His passionate love and affection for the people was the main source of making the whole country overflow with the communist virtues and beautiful traits and further stoking up the spirit of all-people resistance and all-people involvement. Thanks to the love for the people of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, who relieves our people of all sorts of pains with warm love and affection, our country could achieve a victory in the anti-epidemic war at last by dint of the collectivist spirit of one for all and all for one and the tenderness and human feeling of sharing sorrow and caring for one another more, the harder the times are.