Giving Prominence to Our University as Pioneer of IT Industrial Revolution

It is 17 years all too soon since Chairman Kim Jong Il visited the up-to-date e-library and indoor stadium newly built at Kim Chaek University of Technology on January 4, Juche 95(2006). That day, the Chairman spent quite a long time looking around several rooms of the newly-built e-library including the e-reading rooms, server room and lecture rooms for on-line education. He was greatly satisfied with it, saying that it was a monumental edifice which deserved boasting of in the new century. Stressing the need to train a large number of useful sci-tech talents who are possessed of up-to-date science and technology and can play a large part in building a powerful socialist country, the Chairman reposed great trust in Kim Chaek University of Technology by calling it the pedigree for training scientific and technical talents and the pioneer of the IT industrial revolution. He said that sci-tech talents necessary for the IT industrial revolution including researchers and designers as well as managers and chief engineers of factories and enterprises, were being trained in this university, adding that he visited this university first early in January, now that its position and role in building a powerful socialist country is very important and he wanted to underline the need to train more useful sci-tech talents. Pioneers of the IT industrial revolution! Having received the instructions of the Chairman, all the teaching staff and students could hardly repress their surging emotion and the whole university was overflowing with a passion for repayment.