Jo Oct 21, 2019

The ceremony was held in the university gymnasium on Oct. 16.

There attended the university’s leading officials, faculty officials and lecturers from 17 faculties, and graduates.

Prior to the ceremony they laid bouquets of flowers before the mosaic portraits of the great leaders and paid homage to them.

President Hong So Hon gave a report on educational affairs.

Presents sent by the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un were delivered to Ki Ye Rim at Faculty of Applied Mathematics and other 8 graduates, who got straight A’s by studying passionately to obtain knowledge to surpass the cutting edge, and graduation diplomas and badges were awarded to all the graduates.

Congratulatory speeches by Hyon Song Chol, department head of Electric Engineering Faculty and Kim Kwang Song, student of Automation Engineering Faculty followed. In the speeches, they wished all the graduates would add luster to the glory of the country’s eldest son university on every major front of the national economy they would be supposed to be sent to, bearing deep in their minds the pride of being the graduates of KUT, which our Party trusts and holds up most.

After the ceremony, congratulatory performance was staged by the students’ artistic group.