Jo Aug 24, 2020

Articles of teachers and researchers of the university are published in international science journals.

In the above shown photo is Kim Chol Hyon, teacher of Physical Engineering Faculty, KUT, researching on the effect of linewidth enhancement factor on displacement reconstruction and immediate estimation of feedback factor for weak feedback. In March, Juche 108(2019), he first published his article “Effect of linewidth enhancement factor on fringe in a self-mixing signal and improved estimation of feedback factor in laser diode” in the international science journal “IEEE Access” and in Juche 109(2020), he also published articles in “Optics Communication” of the Netherlands, and “Measurement Science and Technology” of the U.K.

In the meantime, many other lecturers and researchers of the university including Yang Won Chol, researcher of Material Engineering Faculty, published articles on international science journals of various fields such as “WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on ENVIRONMENT and DEVELOPMENT”, “Materials Research Express”, “Synthetic Metals”, “Theoretical Computer Science”, “Information science”, “Mathematical geosciences”, “TRANSACTIONS on APPLIED and THORETICAL MECHANICS”, “Hydrometallurgy”.

Furthermore, Hong Hui Song, undergraduate student of Physical Engineering Faculty also published his article “High-speed joint estimation for strong feedback regime with fringe loss” in “Optics Communication”, an international science journal, and so encouraged many students of the university to pursue their academic career.