Jo Feb 10, 2022

Sin Sa Im Dang is a famous female painter and the mother of a great scholar Ri Ryul Gok.

Sin is her last name and Sa Im Dang is her pen name. She was born into a ryangban (aristocratic) family in Kangrung, Kangwon Province.

Her father, Sin Myong Hwa, despite his excellence in learning and virtue, kept himself from the service in the government.

Instead he remained jinsa (a person who has passed the primary state examination only) all his life devoting himself to the education of the rising generation. Her mother Mrs. Ri was simple and honest, yet strict and generous in the education of her children.

Sin Myong Hwa had no sons but five daughters, the second of whom was Sa Im Dang.

Having started studying when she was a very small child, she was good at everything like composition, penmanship, painting, embroidery, etc.

Especially, she was brilliant at painting. At the age of 7, she caught people’s admiration by painting a landscape and grapes with An Kyon, a famous painter in the 15th century as her model.

This was such a progressive style of painting as a number of contemporary artists were immersed in painting exotic scenery and 4 noble characters (Japanese apricot blossom, orchid, chrysanthemum, bamboo)

Her masterpieces still found include “Eggplant”, “Grapes”, “Mallard”, “Mandarin Fish”, “Heron in a Pond”, etc.

Her paintings were so lifelike that when she put out a painting in the yard, cocks and hens flocked together to peck at the insects in it. When a woman was worried about her borrowed skirt soiled in a wedding, Sa Im Dang painted a delicious-looking bunch of grapes on it. These stories show the distinct creative personality of a fine warm-hearted woman artist who loves her life and is rich in national emotion.

Her patriotism and profound humanity were also reflected in her poems and education of her children. At the age of 19, she got married to Ri Won Su, who was working as a kamchal, a position pretty low in official rank. Soon afterwards, her father died and she moved to Hansong for a married life with her widowed mother left alone. She never forgot her native village and her mother.

One day she was pleased to visit her mother after a long time. After some days of pleasure and happiness, she had to part from her mother. With tears in her eyes, she composed a poem on Taegwan Pass (a big pass across the road from Kangrung to Hansong) looking over her native village and yearning for her mother

As a fine mother, she paid a great deal of attention to the education of her children.

She had 4 sons, all of whom she exercised strict control over with fixed quantities of study every day so as to bring them up to be talents serving their country.

Her children, under the influence of their mother, studied hard to become famous. Among them, her third son Ri I (pen name – Ryul Kok) was distinguished.

From the age of 3, he learnt to read and at the age of 8 he composed a poem, thus startling people. Having passed the primary state examination at the age of 13, he consecutively served in various government posts for over 30 years. During this period he proposed a number of patriotic measures for developing the country and strengthening the national defense. Besides this, his fame as a great scholar reached far-away Ming and Japan. Her youngest son, Ri U, who inherited delicate penmanship from his mother, was also a noted calligrapher.

Sin Sa Im Dang, a famous woman artist and a mother who brought up their children to be able talents, passed away at the age of 48.

Although she failed to produce works of art based on reality, which showed her social and class limitations, she managed to paint beautiful lifelike coloured pictures contrary to the subjective black and white drawings that reflected the hobbies of feudal rulers of that time.

This served as a notable contribution to the development of realistic Korean painting.