Jo Mar 3, 2022

Hunminjongum, invented in the 15th century, is the national alphabet of our own.

As it is literally interpreted into “correct sound for teaching common people”, it means “a fine alphabet to write the correct sound for teaching common people”.

Our people had used Ridu characters (Chinese characters used for their sound values to write Korean particles, endings and auxiliary verbs in order to facilitate the reading of Chinese texts) since the period of the Three Kingdoms, when Hunminjongum, the most advanced alphabet, was invented in 1444.

In those days King Sejong commissioned several scholars at Jiphyonjon (supreme research institute in the feudal Joson dynasty) like Jong Rin Ji, Sin Suk Ju, Song Sam Mun, Choe Hang, Pak Phaeng Nyon, etc. to do research into making characters.

They succeeded in making our own characters in January, 1444 (December, 1443 by the lunar calendar) and made it public to the world as Hunminjongum.

When it was invented, it consisted of 28 letters, with 17 initial sounds and 11 medium sounds.

It has several superior properties.

It makes it possible to give a vivid expression of our feelings at will as well as to express all sorts of sound in letters

Moreover, it is easy to learn and use as it is based on a scientific principle and on a certain system.

The invention of Hunminjongum is of great historical significance since it not only provided possibility to establish the standards of the national language and to ensure the oneness of our linguistic life but also demonstrated the scientific wisdom of the Korean nation, developed the national culture and further enriched the heritage of our language culture.