Jo May 3, 2022

The contests came to an end on April 25, 2022.

The first contest, which was held on April 8 to 11, drew 20 000-odd contestants from tens of countries and regions including our country, China and India. More than 130 participants competed in Division 1, over 600 in Division 2, over 4 600 in Division 3 and over 15 500 in Division 4. Division 1 set forth 5 problems, none of which were challenge problems.

A total of 27 contestants won the first place in Division 1 ― 19 from the DPRK, 3 from China, 2 from India, 2 from Japan and 1 from the US.

10 out of the 19 winners of our country are students at Kim Chaek University of Technology.

As much as 70.37% of the world winners are from the DPRK, and 37.037% are from KUT. KUT students add up to 52.63% of the 19 DPRK winners.

In the meantime, a student from KUT took the first place in Division 2.

Several KUT students who were absent from the Codechef March Long Challenge due to the national coding challenge held in the same period took part in this contest, which bestowed on KUT the honour of having many winners.

The second contest went on from 22 to 25. 18 000-odd contestants from tens of countries and regions including our country, China and India took part. Over 70 contestants competed in Division 1, more than 900 in Division 2, over 3 300 in Division 3 and over 14 000 in Division 4.

4 from our country and 1 from Japan made a total of 5 winners in Division 1.

Half the 4 DPRK winners are students from Kim Chaek University of Technology.

Our country and KUT make up 80% and 40% of the world winners, respectively.