Jo Jun 3, 2022

The contests lasted from 6 to 23 May, 2022.

The first contest was held on May 6 to 9. It drew over 17 000 contestants from tens of countries and regions including our country, and India. More than 90 participants competed in Division 1, over 800 in Division 2, some 2 900 in Division 3 and over 13 900 in Division 4.

A total of 14 contestants won the first place in Division 1 ― 10 from the DPRK, 2 from India, 1 from Italy and 1 from Japan. 6 out of the 10 winners of our country are students at Kim Chaek University of Technology. As much as 71.4287% of the world winners are from the DPRK, and 42.857% are from Kim Chaek University of Technology. KUT students add up to 60% of the 10 DPRK winners.

The second contest went on from 20 to 23. Over 18 000 contestants from tens of countries and regions including our country and India took part. Some 110 contestants competed in Division 1, more than 1 100 in Division 2, over 2 900 in Division 3 and more than 14 200 in Division 4.

A total of 17 winners in Division 1 include 7 from the DPRK, 4 from India, 2 from China, 1 from Singapore, 1 from Taipeh, China and 2 from Japan.

6 out of the 7 DPRK winners are students from Kim Chaek University of Technology. Our country and KUT make up 41.176% and 35.294% of the world winners, respectively. KUT students account for 85.714% of the DPRK winners.