Koryo Ceramics are Treasures of Mankind that Reached Acme in Ceramics History

Jo Jul 13, 2022

Koryo ceramics are representative of ceramics art of the Middle Ages, holding a prominent position in the world medieval history of ceramics.

Koryo ceramics are priceless cultural wealth that demonstrates the extraordinary artistic talents and the high level of science and technology of the Korean nation.

Koryo ceramics are divided into celadon, white, black, brown and crimson according to their colours while they are classified into embossed design, engraved design, perforated design, scratched design, inlaid design, disguised design, powdered gold design, etc. in terms of ornamental techniques. The most produced and excellent of all these were celadon ceramics among which inlaid-design celadon ceramics reached the acme of ceramic craftsmanship, attracting admirations from people all over the world.

Koryo ceramics were made in almost every part of the country except northern mountainous areas. The most typical areas were Kaesong and its vicinity, capital of Koryo Feudal State, Kangso in South Phyongan Province, Phyongsan in North Hwanghae Province, Songhwa, Ongjin and Haeju in South Hwanghae Province, Ryoju, Ansong, Koyang, Kwangju and Kanghwa in Kyonggi Province, Kongju in South Chungchong Province, Taedok District in Taejon City, Puan and Jonan in North Jolla Province, Kangjin and Mua in South Jolla Province, Koryo and Kyongju in North Kyongsang Province, etc.

One of the excellent characteristics of Koryo ceramics is, first of all, their unique colours.

The most beautiful and famous of all those various and harmonious colours is jade. Jade green, which looks like green shining against a white pebble in the clear water, reflects the sentiments of life of the Korean people, who are in favour of cheerful, honest, gentle and graceful manner. The discovery of colours, especially jade green that is obtained from reducing flames of iron contained in clay is attributable to a long period of practice and the high level of development of science and technology. Ceramics in this colour was called jade ceramics (celadon ceramics) and became a synonym for Koryo ceramics among the world people. Jade ceramics were first made in the first half of the 10th century.

Another superior characteristic of Koryo ceramics is the variety of their original shapes.

Koryo ceramics are of a variety of types ― glass, brass bowl, bottle, bowl, plate, kettle, jug, flower pot, censer, fire pot, make-up box, container for inkstone water, inkstone, brush holder, etc. and they are in different shapes. In particular, object-shaped ceramics that imitated animals, plants and humans are charming and novel. The objects include humans like civil officials in official outfits, children, etc., animals such as lions, giraffes, fish, turtles, dragons, phoenixes, rabbits, tigers, monkeys, mandarin ducks, ducks, pigeons, etc., and plants including melons, pomegranates, bamboo shoots, lotus flowers, bottle gourds, etc. With softly curved outlines, they look cheerful, slim and harmonious as a whole.

Yet another feature of Koryo ceramics is their diverse and outstanding designs. What makes Koryo ceramics even more famous is their inlaid designs along with other decorative designs by a pictorial technique by brush and sculptural techniques like engraving, embossing, perforating, scratching, stamping, etc. Such elegant looks of elaborately inlaid designs that show faintly through transparent coating of clay are found only on Koryo ceramics.

With the organic combination of all these distinguished colours and designs and original shapes, Koryo ceramics are well-known to the world for their elegance.

In those days, Koryo ceramics were widely exported, thus achieving world-wide fame. They exerted a great influence upon the development of ceramic workmanship of both our country and the neighbouring countries in the later years. In this sense they deserve to be called treasures of all mankind.

Indeed, Koryo ceramics, which are regarded as treasures by the world people for their pre-eminently beautiful colours, designs and shapes and show the extraordinary talents and beautiful and noble sentiments of the Korean people, are outstanding creations of the Korean nation and great treasures of the country.