Jo Nov 16, 2022

Not only the style and pattern but also the colour of clothing represent features of times and national sentiments. The colours of the traditional clothing of our nation fully display the lofty and pure sentiments of our nation. Our nation preferred white or light soft vivid colours to strong colours for primary colours of their clothing. From olden times, our nation worshipped white and usually chose white for their clothing. Therefore, our nation has been called “white-clad race” or “white-clad folk”.

In addition to white, many bright colours like light yellow, light pink or light green were also popular. With light soft colours instead of harsh strong ones, our people managed to produce a good harmony of colours, adorning Korean clothes to look more beautiful. Since Korean clothes are usually in two pieces, upper and lower garments in harmony of colours give fresh feelings and beauty. Making the most use of such advantage, our people added as much beauty as possible to the Korean clothes with a colourful harmony of two pieces as in “green jacket and crimson skirt” or “yellow jacket and crimson skirt”. Korean people further raised the ornamental effect of Korean clothes by making their small parts such as gussets, collars, cuffs, coat strings, etc. different in colours from the main part. This combination of colours demonstrated the great aesthetic sense of our nation whereby they could get maximum effect by making effective use of visual aspects of the harmony of only a few colours.

The colours of the Korean clothing reflective of the aesthetic sense and feelings of the Koreans, who created bright and soft beauty, are still in wide use. Our clothes are undergoing development as unique, graceful and elegant ones full of the flavor and fragrance of our nation only.

Pak Sin Jong, researcher at the Academy of Social Sciences