Jo Dec 24, 2022

The Korean people, who have loved cleanliness from ancient times, invented methods of making and altering national clothes suited to their physiques and hobbies in the course of creative labor. Constantly developing them, they have been proud of being dressed in neat clothes.

While washing their clothes, our people discovered effective washing methods to wash dirt away in consideration of the material for clothes. Laundry usually went through primary washing, main washing and boiling before being rinsed and dried. In the primary washing, the first step in the washing, laundry is dipped in warm water for a light rub. It was mainly for heavily soiled laundry such as the inside of quilts. In the main washing, detergents are applied to the primarily washed ones before rubbing, clubbing or stamping. Due attention should be paid to the washing of silk fabric or velvet that are widely used for Korean clothes.

When ironing velvet, it should be held up from the floor, with its naps facing downwards.

Korean clothes should be carefully stored according to the seasons. Neatly folded clothes should be placed layer upon layer in a drawer: those for the present season on the top, those for the next season under them and those for the last season on the bottom. Those for a long time of storage need special care. For example, Korean jackets are placed with their right and left skirts aligned before the breast-ties are brought together, and then they are folded on the shorter breast-tie. The sleeves are folded on the armpit line. The skirt trimly folded in five to six folds is folded in half length. It is a good idea to hang skirts on a hanger.

It is important to be well aware of the methods of washing and keeping Korean clothes and to get dressed culturally.

Kang Hyon Sim, researcher at the Academy of Social Sciences