Jo Jul 9, 2023

Sokgakchonmundo is an astronomical chart (constellation drawing) carved on a stone, true to the meaning of the term.

The chart was made between the late fifth century and the early sixth century.

Although the chart does not exist at present, Chonsangryolchabunyajido made at the end of the fourteenth century convincingly demonstrates how profound astronomical knowledge the chart involved.

Chonsangryolchabunyajido was made with a slight adjustment to the rubbed copy of Sokgakchonmundo, which had been lost during a war (invasion of the Tang dynasty) in the Koguryo age as the constellation on the copy was a little different from that in those days.

Sokgakchonmundo shows 1 475 stars grouped on 307 constellations on a large stone about 2 metres long and 1.2 metres wide, drawn with the universe with the Arctic in the centre.

The chart also shows the equator circle, the ecliptic circle, the Arctic Circle, the longitude line and even the Galaxy.

Koguryo’s Sokgakchonmundo is one of the world’s oldest stellar charts and it contains a larger number of stars than an astronomical chart made in China in the middle of the third century.

Sokgakchonmundo is one of the precious cultural legacies that intensively show the high level of astronomical development of Koguryo.