Sport and amusement games played on the 70th founding anniversary of Kim Chaek University of Technology

Jo Sep 28, 2018

Sport and amusement games of the staff and students were played on Sep.27 in the university gym and sport field reconstructed under the care of the Party.

Through health Taekwondo, popular rhythmic gymnastics, tug of war, football, volleyball and various sports and games, the staff and students fully demonstrated their sport skills, cooperativeness, noble morality and virtues fostered through mass-based sports activities in the past period upholding the Party’s policy for building the sports power.

Not only the sport games demonstrating team spirit, stubborn fighting spirit and wits, thrilling shooting scenes in succession were eye-catching but the enthusiasm of the staff and students crazy applauding the athletes were also colourful.

The highlight of this event was the soccer final between School of Mechanic Science and Technology and School of Information Science and Technology umpired by state referees.

This event fully demonstrated the ardent enthusiasm of the staff and students to make active contributions with the greater scientific and technological successes by befitting their bodies to the building of the socialist power.

Prizes were awarded to the winning teams at the end of the event.