Jo Oct 20, 2018

2nd Students’ Scientific Seminar of Kim Chaek University of Technology was held in the culture house of the university on Oct. 19th.

Present there were officials from the university, colleges and faculties, thesis supervisors and students.

Four scientific papers that had been highly appreciated in the sectional seminars were presented, of which one was read in English and questions and answers were also done in English.

Highly praised by the participants for their high scientific and technological value in the seminar were “Study on the Stability Estimation of the Damp foundation and its Supporting Point” by Pak Yu Chol, fourth-grade student of the Faculty of the Resources Probing Engineering, “Study on the Temperatures in the earthen tile dryer and property of the humidity changes” by Chon Mun Song, fourth-grade student of the Faculty of Heat Engineering, “Analysis and Design of the High Frequency Induction Plasma Generator” by Kim Yun Chol, a fourth-grade student of the Physical Engineering Faculty and “Study on the Route-Producing Way of the Football Robots” by Kim Jun Il, fifth-grade student of the Faculty of Automation Engineering.

Prizes were awarded to the winners in the seminar.

The event served as a significant occasion for students to further develop their research ability, conceivability, and scientific logic thinking and presentation skills in the university days.