Kim Chaek University of Technology Awarded the Top Prize in the 7th National Students’ Quick Remembering Competition

Jo Oct 22, 2018

The 7th national students’ quick memorizing competition was opened in the gymnasium of the Pyongsong Medical College on Oct. 1st and it lasted for 3 days.

The number of memorizing events of this competition increased including remember of words and frames of packs of cards and long-term remembering of cards, digital number words, long-term remembering of digital and binary numbers, remember of faces and names, dates and events, figures and given numbers.

In this contest, our students were so confident to display their trained quick-remembering skills that they overpowered about 150 students from 50-odd universities and colleges and thus won the top prize in the collective and personal competition.

In the word-remembering event, Kim Ju Song was praised as best by remembering all of 330 random words and recounting them and Paek Un Song, Ho Gwang and Han Yong Gwang had high grades by correctly remembering about 250 words.

In remembering the frame of packets of cards, Kim Ju Song and Paek Un Song were admired by judges by remembering and recounting all 52 cards in a short time of 25 seconds.

In remembering the pattern figures, Kim Ju Song, Paek Un song, Ho Gwang, Kwon Yun Mi and Pak Il Min made a record of correctly remembering 600-odd figures.

In the event of remembering faces and names, Han Yong Gwang and Ho Gwang were also highly appreciated by remembering 90-odd faces in the given time.

In the long-term remember of the cards, Kim Ju Song and Paek Un Song were given the top grades by correctly remembering and recounting about 30 frames of packets of cards.

In particular, Pak Il Min and Kwon Yun Mi were given top grades by correctly remembering and recounting about 500 numbers which were read every 1 second and also our students took the first and second places in the events of adding numbers of ten figures and multiplying numbers of 8 figures and solving the route so that they had the total top grade of the competition.

Finally, our university won the competition and was awarded the top collective prize and Kim Ju Song, Paek Un Song and Han Yong Gwang were awarded the top personal certificates of commendation.