Jo Sep 9, 2024

Mausoleum of King Wang Kon (founder of Koryo, 877-943) is in Haeson-ri, Kaesong City, DPRK.

Thanks to the wise guidance of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il, the mausoleum was excellently reconstructed in Juche 83(1994).

On one side before the gate stands a monument to the reconstructed mausoleum of King Wang Kon, founder of Koryo.

Entering through the gate, you face a sacrifice chamber and a monument pavilion. Go past them and you will finally get to the typical Koguryo-style earth-covered stone grave on a raised platform.

At the four corners are stone tigers with offertory tables, stone posts, stone lanterns, etc. before them.

On the second and third platforms, which are situated a little lower than the mausoleum stand apart in two rows eight close vassals including those of merit who contributed to the founding of the dynasty.

The entrance to the grave chamber is a stone door. In the center of the chamber is a bier of large plate stones. On the left and right under the walls are long stands for display of relics and on the eastern, western and northern walls are painted with bamboos and pines.

Many kinds of relics like a jeweled buckle, buckle-shaped metal fittings, a bronze kettle, a gilt-bronze sedentary statue, etc. have been found in the mausoleum and its surroundings.

The magnificently reconstructed mausoleum is making a great contribution to educating the working people and young boys and girls in patriotism, as a priceless historical and cultural site.