Jo Feb 11, 2019

People’s Scientist, Doc, Associate Prof. Ri Jun Gi, Head of the Analytical Instruments Research Institute, Faculty of Metal Engineering was awarded the February 16 Sci-Tech Prize(Individual) for the 13th time for his playing a core role in “Developing the up-to-date analytic instruments based on the spectral technology”.

Doc. Ri Jun Gi and all the scientists in this research institute developed by their own efforts multi-channel atomic emission spectrometers for qualitative and quantitative analysis of ferrous & non-ferrous metal elements and near-infrared ray analyzers for analyzing organic components contained in all kinds of foodstuffs, medicines and feeds, thus promoting the economic development and improvement of peoples’ livelihood.

They are now redoubling their efforts to complete the flow-cytometers, which is the higher goal that they put up.