Sports and games of the staff and students played on the occasion of the Day of the Shining Star

Jo Feb 18, 2019

The colorful sports and games of the staff and students were played successfully on the occasion of the meaningful Day of the Shining Star.

Several kinds of interdepartmental sporting events of the staff such as basketball, volleyball, table-tennis, tennis and badminton have been played in a strenuous way since they started on the 1st of Feb to reach the final stage on the 15th of Feb.

The Information Technology Institute, which has conducted mass-based sporting activities on a high tide for the last time in high response to the intention of our Party on making the whole country astir with enthusiasm for sports, won the 1st place in an all-round way by winning some games of basketball, volleyball, tennis and badminton of the staff.

Meanwhile, on the 16th of Feb were played colourful sports and games of students such as basketball, volleyball, Taekwon-Do, tug of war and running with balls in arms in the University Indoor Stadium, thus making festive mood more excited.

In every event all students fully showed the high sporting techniques and the might of collectiveness and unity as well as the ennobling mental and moral traits. As a result, the College of Information Science and Technology won the first place in an all-round way.