Jo Apr 20, 2019

The commemorative meeting was held on Apr.19 marking the 70th anniversary of the field guidance of President Kim Il Sung to the university.

Present were Cha Hui Rim, chairman of Pyongyang People’s Committee, Kim Pong Sok, vice-chairman of Pyongyang Municipal Committee of the WPK, Hong So Hon, KUT president, and its teachers and students.

Commemorative speech was reported by Ri Song Uk, chairman of the university municipal committee of the WPK.

He emphasized:

The great President embroidered his first sacred trace of guidance on Pyongyang Technical Institute (then), which served as an important turning point in laying firm foundations for the development of Juche-oriented sci-tech education.

Always taking special care of the university’s education, the President, in the talk with university’s leading officials that day On Building a Magnificent University of Technology, gave valuable instructions on its position and mission in training national technical cadres and construction of its building, and he took benevolent measures to improve the living conditions for its teaching staff and students.

Thanks to his great love, a newly founded university was able to fully establish its material and technical foundations as befitting the mother university for training technical talents for industrial sectors at that time when everything was scarce and difficult, and dynamically push ahead with talents training, thus making positive contributions to the construction of a new country.

He not only clarified the way ahead of the university in each period and at each stage of the development of the revolution but also developed it into a university of technology as required by the developing reality.

With a far-sighted plan to turn KUT into a world-known one, Chairman

Kim Jong Il led it step by step so that it could make achievements in the work of sci-tech talents training and scientific research, and he bestowed great favors on its teaching staff and students over and over again.

He continued:

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, who has carried on with the idea of giving priority to science and talents that the great leaders pursued, is giving energetic leadership to it so that it could discharge its mission and duty as a center for sci-tech education and scientific research in our country.

Having visited the KUT several times, he conferred his greatest trust and the most honorable title - leading chariot and locomotive powerfully propelling the development of the country’s science and technology and its economic construction – upon it, and set forth vital tasks to turn Kim Chaek University of Technology into the most prestigious one in the world.

Such great love and trust of the peerlessly great men made it possible for KUT to make a fresh leap forward and innovation in the campaign to train a great number of sci-tech talents who will shoulder the future of Juche Korea and to occupy the fortress of cutting-edge science.

He added, upholding the great leaders’ lifetime instructions and the vital tasks delivered by the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un on his historic field guidance, all scientists, researchers and teachers at university should dynamically accelerate the grand advance of self-reliance for the construction of a socialist powerful nation with science and technology.

He stressed, in hearty response to the spirit of the historic policy speech of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un and the 4th Plenary Meeting of the Seventh Central Party Committee, the university needs to bring about a revolutionary change in the education and scientific research so as to fulfill its duties as a locomotive and a pivot in the all-out movement to open up a period of a great upsurge in the socialist construction.