Jo May 8, 2019

Upholding the historic New Year’s address of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un for turning the whole society into a great, harmonious family, the number of laudable deeds are increasing day by day among students of KUT.

On April 6th, Choe Ji Song and Han Chong Ryong, students of the 3rd grade of the Faculty of Communications, discovered a 3-year-old child lying unconscious due to his carelessness near an apartment building in Mangyongdae District, Pyongyang.

They took the child straight to the hospital to save him form the jaws of death by giving him treatment in time.

Having done their best to recover the child’s health, they just left the hospital, not leaving their names but only the inspiring words.

This laudable deed became well-known after the letter came the Party Committee of KUT from doctors and the child’s parents, saying “They must be the students at Kim Chaek University of Technology for having its badges. We want you to find them and give wide publicity of their laudable deed.”