Jo Apr 17, 2018

On the occasion of the Day of the Sun, a greatest national holiday, the teaching staff and students of Kim Chaek University of Technology held various sports and amusement games at the gym and playground on April 15.

The teaching staff competed in group running, mass rhythmic exercise and health-promoting Taekwon-Do in the playground.

In these team competitions, contestants fully demonstrated their sense of organization and unity.

There were final matches of volleyball, table tennis, tennis, badminton, janggi (Korean chess) and yut (four-stick game) of teaching staff at the gym.

The IT Institute took the first place, the College of Mechanical Science and Technology finished runner-up and Distance Education College came third in the total rankings.

The teaching staff’s competition was followed by students’ final matches. In the events of tug-of-war, volleyball, basketball, table tennis and other sports and amusement games, players showed high techniques they had honed through ordinary training and heated up cheering atmosphere, thus adding more to the competitive spirit of the contestants.

The College of Information Science and Technology topped the total rankings, followed by the College of Mechanical Science and Technology and the Materials Engineering Faculty.