Jo Apr 14, 2018

A celebratory performance prepared by the teaching staff and students of Kim Chaek University of Technology was given at the university gym on April 13 in the run-up to the Day of the Sun, one of the greatest national holidays.

The performance started with chorus Let’s Sing of the Day of the Sun, with profound reverence for President Kim Il Sung, founding father of socialist Korea and Sun of mankind, overflowing in the gym.

In narration and chorus General Kim Il Sung Is Our Sun, female chorus We Go to Mangyongdae, men’s tenor vocal trio Sing, Fork to Mangyongdae and others, the entertainers sang highly of the undying exploits President Kim Il Sung performed for the country and revolution, the times and history for a long time with his prominent ideology and leadership since he embarked on the road of revolution in his early years, and his noble revolutionary career.

Dialogic poem The President and Kim Chaek University of Technology, female vocal quintet We Sing Our Motherland Holding the President in High Esteem, and chorus Eternal Smile touched the heartstrings of the audience as they mirrored the ardent yearning for the President who had always attached importance to the university and lighted up the course ahead of the university in every period and stage of the developing revolution.

Chorusing song Glory to General Kim Jong Un, the performers and viewers made a firm determination to glorify this meaningful year that marks the 70th anniversaries of the DPRK and Kim Chaek University of Technology with notable educational, research and study achievements.