Jo Aug 3, 2018

The Students’ Robot Football Game-2018 was held in the university gym on July 30 to Aug. 2 amid great attention of educationists and students across the whole country.

In this contest were entered 12 teams including those from Pyongsong University of Coal Mining Industry and the 1st and 2nd teams from our university, drawn from the preliminary games by local teams.

The contest was played on the league match basis of 4 groups and from the quarter-finals, it was played on the knockout basis to decide the ranking. The playing time was 10 minutes each in the first and second half.

In case of a contrast of 10 scores, the game was ruled to end regardless of time in favour of technological superiority.

Different from last year’s regulations, 5 robots made one team, 3 timeouts only were allowed per a team in each game, goals only by kicking could be regarded as the score.

A Video Assistant Chief Referee System was introduced to ensure objective, scientific match.

Team 1 and Team 2 from our university surpassed all the teams with the score of 7: 0, 8:11, or for its technological superiority. The final game was played between the two teams from our university.

The game went on through kicks by cooperation, counter surprise attack across the central area, strong long-distance kicks arousing admiration, regret and surprise and the thrilling 4:3 victory and the first place of the contest was won by Team 2.

Through this contest, students came to be well equipped with theoretical and practical qualifications necessary to develop intelligent robots such as programming, developing and manufacturing of motor drivers, automatic control, information communication, image processing, artificial intelligence, etc.