Report Meeting Held in Commemoration of 70th Founding Anniversary of Kim Chaek University of Technology

Jo Sep 27, 2018

Report meeting was held in commemoration of the 70th founding anniversary of Kim Chaek University of Technology on Sep.26 in the People’s Palace of Culture.

Present there were Pak Tae Song, vice-chairman of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea, Ro Tu Chol, vice-premier of the Cabinet and chairman of the National Planning Committee, Kim Nong O, chairman of the Pyongyang Municipal Committee of the WPK, officials from education, science and other fields related and the staff and students and graduates of KUT.

The congratulatory message of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea to the staff and student of KUT was delivered by Pak Tae Song.

The message warmly congratulated the staff and students of KUT celebrating the 70th founding anniversary amid the circumstances when the entire people across the country are making a general offensive in the grandiose march for the economic construction with a high pride of having demonstrated to the whole world the dignity and mettle of our Republic.

It stressed that Kim Chaek University of Technology was born and developed by the far-reaching idea and warm care of the great Leader and the great General and is the supreme palace for scientific and technological education in our country and also a meritorious university that has made a great contribution to realizing the national economy Juche-oriented, modern, IT-based and scientific.

It mentioned that the 70 years’ history of the Kim Chaek University of Technology is marked with brilliant exploits of having brought up competent core elements of science and technology as directed by the lines and policies of our party and having made a great contribution to the building of economic power and improving peoples’ livelihood.

It emphasized that the lecturers and officials of the university made the educational content practical, generalized and modernized on a high level based on the achievements of up-to-date science and technology, improved the heuristic teaching methods, thus succeeding in making the students creative talents with high faculty of inquiry and application.

It stressed that the scientific research groups of the university successfully solved urgent scientific and technological problems such as the high temperature air combustion technology and the integrated production system of the acryl acid synthetic process in the main fronts for building the economic power and made a contribution to building modern, model and standard factories and enhancing the independence and Juche-character of the national economy.

It mentioned that the university increased the ranks of the class of top-honor students and the class of the winners of the student scientific research prize through the studying emulation by faculties and by classes, upholding the studying is the first slogan and gave full play to its ability in the International Internet Programming Contests , National Students Contests and Exhibitions.

The Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea highly appreciated the entire lecturers and staff members of the Kim Chaek University of Technology who devote all to the educational and scientific research work, overcoming all difficulties and bottlenecks, bearing in mind high sense of responsibility for the prosperity of the fatherland and the future and the students who are preparing themselves into talents who will shoulder the bright future of the economic power.

The reporter and discussants expressed their glory of having received the congratulatory message in commemoration of the 70th anniversary and made their determination to add luster to the immortal exploits of the peerless celebrities who scored for the development of the university.

They unanimously emphasized that all the personnels, lecturers and staff members and students of the university should make new leaps and innovations in their efforts for bringing up large ranks of scientific and technological talents and for obtaining the spearhead fortress of science with a firm conviction and optimism in the brilliant future of socialist power.

In the report meeting, the resolution was adopted.