Jo Dec 6, 2023

Janggu dance, one of the typical folk dances of our country, is rich in national colour. Dancers do janggu dance with a janggu, a national instrument, on their shoulders.

Originated from the appearance and wide playing of janggu in our country, janggu dance has a long history.

The murals in Jiban Five Tombs of Koguryo show some dancers dancing and playing the janggu.

It indicates that janggu was already used in dancing as a prop and janggu dance was widely spread in the Koguryo age.

Later, janggu dance with such a long history became more fashionable with development of a peasant dance in the latter half of the feudal Joson dynasty, when playing skills and dancing skills were combined.

Janggu dance was found in several folk games and dances as well as in a peasant dance. In modern ages, it was made artistic by professional dancers and put on the stage, too.

Janggu dance that was loved by our people for a long period of time was reproduced in the form of a solo dance to be congenial to the aesthetic tastes of the era under the wise guidance of our Party.

As janggu serves as a main prop of janggu dance, skills in playing the janggu are given great importance in the dance composition.

With a variety of beating techniques and rich and sophisticated tones, janggu has a high possibility of expression. Therefore, janggu dance produces unique descriptive charm with the beating techniques of janggu and artistic rhythms of a dance combined harmoniously with each other.

Under the scrupulous guidance of our Party, janggu dance has been improved into a great diversity from a solo to an ensemble, a group dance, a large group dance, etc. and it has now become a dance of strong national coloring that preserves the flavor of folk dances.