National Students’ Programming Contest on the 70th founding Anniversary of Kim Chaek University of Technology Held

Jo Sep 26, 2018

National students’ programming contest on the 70th founding anniversary of Kim Chaek University of Technology was held in the KUT e-library between Sep. 21 and 25, drawing over 200 students in 68 groups selected from 60-odd universities and colleges throughout the country including Kim Il Sung University, Kim Chaek University of Technology, Kim Hyong Jik University of Education.

Problems requiring the high ability of programming and algorithm design, ample knowledge in various fields such as mathematics and computing were presented. Students participated in the contest fully demonstrated their scientific ability studying to their hearts content in the socialist education system and preparing themselves as the pillar shouldering the information science of the country.

Several universities including Kim Il Sung University, Kim Chaek University of Technology, University of Natural Science, Kim Hyong Jik University of Education were highly appreciated.