Jo Jul 30, 2021

July 30th is the day when the Law on Sex Equality was proclaimed in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

The women professors and the researchers of our university are also greeting the significant day with ecstasy and romance as the patriotic scientists, and turning one of the wheels of the revolutionary chariot just like all others in the country.

Among them are Dr. associate Prof. Kwon Hye Yong, the head of a laboratory in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, who has chosen untrodden and painstaking career of scientific research to contribute to the development of the electrical industry for almost 30 years, Dr. associate Prof. Jang Kyong Wol, a researcher of the Robotics Institute who has devoted to modernizing the mechanical industry some 30 years like a day since she graduated from the university, Mrs. Ri Hye Suk, a researcher of the Faculty of Electronics, who has become distinguished in her 40s by her great research in solar energy, and Mrs. Pak Yon Sil, an English teacher who has created new English teaching methods to improve students’ foreign language.

Candidate Acad. Prof. Dr. Choe Sun Yong, a teacher in the Faculty of Information Science and Technology says as follows, doing all her best to leave her beautiful trace on the history of the fatherland.

“The certificates of candidate academician, professor and doctor bring me back a lot of memories. Without the motherly Party, who discovered my exceptional talent for engineering and fostered it, how could I become an honorable woman as today?

Thanks to the Party, our women, who lamented over the miserable plight of colonial women, singing the song of Balsam in the past, have become the masters of the country, patriotic working people and the scientists who exercise their rights legitimately, singing the songs such as A Girl on a Steed, Push Back the Frontiers of Science

This is an open-hearted description of not only Dr. Choe Sun Yong but also all the women professors and the researchers of our university.

It is needless to say that the warm care of the motherly Party leads the ordinary women to be the heroines of the country, doctors and innovators, and their patriotic lives will be ever glorious.