In general, commercialized medium-sized asynchronous wind turbines are fully-automated facilities designed to operate in a parallel connection to the grid; in case of isolated operation, they need to be combined with diesel generators.
Choe Ki Yong, an institute head at the Faculty of Automation Engineering, has studied a method of producing electricity of maximal quality with the wind, by constructing a new stand-alone hybrid (medium-sized asynchronous wind turbines, UPS with battery and photovoltaic array) power system without a diesel generator.
He has proposed a new architecture of a stand-alone hybrid power system which consists of a medium-sized asynchronous wind turbine, a UPS, a current limiter (reactor), a photovoltaic array, and consumer and dump loads; Accordingly, a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) for this system has been suggested along with the operation strategies depending on the output power of the UPS and the wind turbine, consumer load and the battery voltage of UPS.
The case study was confirmed through the simulation results of the operation of a new stand-alone hybrid (two 110 kW asynchronous wind turbines, 250 kVA UPS with battery, reactor, 36 kW photovoltaic array, consumer and dump loads) power system.
The results of the simulation showed that the system frequency change of the new stand-alone hybrid power system was 60±0.5 Hz and that of the wind + diesel stand-alone hybrid system was 60±1 Hz, for the sudden change of consumer load and gust.
More information can be found in his paper “New architecture and SCADA for stand-alone hybrid (medium-sized asynchronous wind turbine + UPS with battery + photovoltaic array) power system without diesel generator” presented to the SCI Journal “Wind Energy”.
© 2021 Kim Chaek University of Technology