Jo Sep 12, 2017

National Exhibition of Informatization Achievements 2017 sponsored by the National Informatization Administration was held in the Sci-Tech Complex from Sep. 7 to 11, Juche 106 (2017).

In the exhibition were presented business information system programs needed for making production and business activities intelligent, information-based, digitized, automatic and mechanized, production management system programs, auto-control system programs, education-aid programs and programs for smartphones. The ranking was decided depending on their levels of improvement.

The Information Technology Institute has a powerful information service capacity for managing in a unified way the entry and diffusion of software on a nationwide scale, ensuring the rapid and smooth circulation of the developed software. The institute presented over 20 valuable IT software including the “System of Diffusion and Protection of Software Products” displayed in the centre of the exhibition hall, the “Identification and Trace System Based on Image Identification Technique” reliably ensuring the identification and trace of video images, which is impossible with the help of electronic cards, and educational and scientific aided systems including “School Education Assessment System” which can judge the education leves of schools in a quantitative way, and “Online Foreign Launguage Examination System.”

High benefits and performances of these software competitive both at home and abroad drew the attention of visitors. The institute became one of the 10 best IT enterprises, and the university a model informatization unit, and they were awarded relevant diplomas and certificates.