Jo May 14, 2018

The Department of Industrial Furnace Engineering of the Faculty of Metal Engineering has developed in Korean way a switching valve, which constitutes the two core elements together with the honeycomb regenerator in high-temperature air combustion (HTAC) technology, which proves effective in putting Juche iron production on normal footing.

The research team led by Department chief Kim In Gyu set the switching valve in a 3 channel switching mode to suit the characteristic features of the high-temperature air combustion furnace in which gas is alternatively combusted on both sides of the combustion chamber, and selected the compressed air-type driving mode, which is simple in structure, and very reliable and swift in action.

They checked up the stability of valve surface and axis with the structural mechanical and hydrodynamic characteristics based on computer simulation, and designed a rational structure dimension of body according to the opening height with minimum pressure loss and the input-output diameter of air and waste gas.

The switching valve has been recognized as a research achievement of great economic value as it is applicable to large furnaces, does not make much noise, and is free from any waste gas leakage and risk of explosion.