Choe Myong Guk, a section head at the Faculty of Mechanical Science and Technology, has developed a system to find errors in mechanical drawings designed on SolidWorks software.
The system helps to promptly detect and correct errors in the dimension, surface finish symbols and geometrical tolerance in drawings.
The system consists of 3 modules: structurized module, analyzing module and post-processing module.
The structurized module serves as a preprocessing module which imports necessary data from SolidWorks models and converts it into a more convenient form for analyzing errors. It can be seen as a communication module because it manages data transfer between SolidWorks software and the check system.
The analyzing module is the most important kernel in the system because it detects errors from structured data. AI technology is introduced to the module to find dimensional errors such as over-dimension, lack-dimension and wrong dimension in drawings. It can also find errors in surface finish and geometrical tolerance symbols that do not satisfy technological and economic conditions. It can find 90% of errors that might occur in mechanical part drawings, assembly drawings and sheet metal drawings.
The post-processing module is a terminal module of the system. It highlights errors detected by the analyzing module in different colors and symbols. In addition, it exports checked drawing files to other file formats such as PDF.
The system will prove to be useful in the machine building industry or design examination institutes by detecting and correcting errors in mechanical drawings before production.
© 2021 Kim Chaek University of Technology