Jo May 13, 2018

Mt. Paektu, the ancestral mountain of Korea and the sacred mountain of the revolution, is the focus of attention of volcanologists in many countries around the world as a dormant one.

A Mt. Paektu volcano research group consisting of geophysicists from the Resources Probing Engineering Faculty including Kim Kang Sop, a department chief of the faculty, and the Academy of Engineering Science has been conducting systematic research into Mt. Paektu volcano since the beginning of the present century based on its over 30 years of experience on magnetotelluric method.

The focus of the research was to shed light on the magma shape and its movement deep underground as clearly as possible by combining the magnetotelluric (MT), gravitational and magnetic survey and volcanic fluid dynamic simulation. Research results on the MT data processing, cross gradient joint inversion, body growth inversions of gravity data were made public through three papers in the Journal of Applied Geophysics, the SCI magazine.

The research results on the 3D HT dynamics of Mt. Paektu volcano based on the geophysical survey data were issued in the International Seminar on the Research of Mt. Paektu Volcano at the Sci-Tech Complex cosponsored by MPGG and PIINTEC in August Juche 105(2016), and the Future Research Project on Mt. Paektu Volcano in the Royal Society in June Juche 106(2017).