Jo Jun 13, 2023

Ha Chol Ho, a researcher at the Nano Physics Engineering Institute, has developed PVC-coated cloth and a PVC belt by nano technology.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) has been widely used in light industry, chemical industry, building materials industry, etc. because of its low price and good chemical stability.

However, PVC has a defect ― its weak mechanical strength.

The research team has succeeded in manufacturing PVC-coated cloth and a PVC belt by coating textile fabric with PVC paste before being treated with heat.

In order to raise their mechanical strength, they added nano SiO2 and nano CaCO3 to the PVC paste. Then, they chemically modified the surface of the nanoparticles with steric acid to improve the dispersivity of nano SiO2 and nano CaCO3 in the PVC paste.

Finally, they determined the optimal blending ratio by using Multiobject Genetic Algorithms and built its production process.