Jo Jun 14, 2023

Kang Suk Yong, a researcher at the Faculty of Management of Industrial Economy, has presented a method of assessing rational alternatives of coal separation by DEA.

It is important to stipulate and follow proper assessment procedures for selecting a suitable coal separation plan by DEA in coal mines.

The procedure she has proposed is as follows.

First, a target should be set up and DMU (decision-making unit) be selected.

The target is for proper evaluation of coal separation alternatives. The factors affecting the attainment of the target should be discovered before an analysis of the evaluation object with the target on the centre. Then, the boundaries of DMU and the qualitative and quantitative relationship between them should be determined.

Second, an assessment index system should be determined.

In DEA, evaluation of relative effectiveness for every separation alternative should be made mainly by the input and output assessment indices of each DMU.

Third, a DEA model should be solved.

The solution is for obtaining the assessment results of each DMU.

Finally, results should be analysed.

The solution result of a DEA model makes it possible to attain the optimal DMU to minimize investment and operation cost in coal mines and maximize economic effectiveness at the same time.

Selecting a coal separation alternative by DEA enables us to take measures to produce high quality coal and increase production.