Jo Jul 1, 2023

A thungso (a Korean bamboo flute) is one of the musical instruments peculiar to our nation which have been widely played by the folk from olden times.

This typical national pipe instrument is played held sidewards. It has been loved by our people in a long course of history.

It originated from a kinjo (jangjok) that Koguryo people had invented.

According to historical records including “History of Koryo”, Koguryo’s kinjo was improved into a thungso during the Koryo dynasty, but it was also called kinjo until then.

In “Akhakgwebom” compiled at the end of the fifteenth century, the name was fixed as thungso, which means a wooden pipe instrument whose ends are perforated through.

With soft, stirring, appealing and melodious timbre, it can fully express exciting thoughts and feelings.

Widely used for a solo and accompaniment to folk songs and folk games, it has been a popular national instrument.

A thungso is making a contribution to the cultural and emotional life of people and the development of Juche-oriented music blooming day after day under the wise leadership of the Workers' Party of Korea.