Jo Aug 7, 2023

Ri Chang Myong, a researcher at the Faculty of Distance Education, has developed a virtual tour supporting system by modeling the images of places for a visit.

The system consumes less time and effort for modeling and at the same time the photos further raise feeling of actuality.

The system consists of a panoramic image generation module, a modeling and virtual tour editor, a virtual tour module and a management module.

In the panoramic image generation module, image stitching technology is employed so that the photos are stitched to produce images with wider FOV.

In the edition module, the panoramic images generated in the previous stage are modeled. Here, several functions are added for interaction.

The virtual tour module is for a virtual tour. The courses of tour are recorded through the network.

In the management module, registration, modification, deletion and upgrade of objects for virtual tour are performed.

Ordinary cameras can also be used for the system.

It will prove to be useful in the education sector. It will save a lot of time and money by making it possible for students to do production practices, visits and school trips on computer without bothering to go out to the spot.